For me, Creativity is a living force! All beings are Creative beings. The way I approach every aspect of my living is by tapping into and cultivating this force and this philosophy. Artistic expression is the bringing forth of this force in me. I do not feel I paint the paintings or sculpt the sculptures, they in fact paint/sculpt themselves through me. I am simply a vehicle for their expression. None of it is planned. I never know what is coming next. This is great fun!

The paintings bring forth aspects from my life experience. For example, I love symbols and imagery of all kinds, especially the beauty and function aspect of Art and Culture. The paintings bring this part of my life experience to the forefront. I am a Goddess worshipper. The Divine Feminine is a main theme, as is my connection to all the Spiritual Traditions which have touched me: Nature, the African Orisha Pantheon, Indiginous Shamanism, Santo Daime, Christ Consciousness, Buddhism, Hinduism, Tantric Yoga, Muslimism, and Divine Great Mother Feminine Archetypes.